Friday, April 18, 2008


Yes, you heard me....earthquake!! Here in the middle of the country, pretty amazing. It was my first earthquake, and I'm not sure I was all that thrilled with it. Steve was pretty excited, saying we need more...lots of little ones are good... he says.

Earthquake map

So, yes... 5.4 in southern IN and we felt it all the way to St. Louis. The shower door was rattling, the glasses rattled...and just felt the house move in a way it just shouldn't move. As far as we figure, there is no damage to our place.

Hopefully we are done with earthquakes for awhile. There are reasons we don't live in CA, and that is one of them!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Nudgy in Mexico

Yes, my mom in Mexico. Caught this on a web cam at Cafe Roma...Sr. Fox put the "I'm Single" on her table!! Hilarious! I think she was having a fabulous time! Another picture of her is on the Cafe Roma the April album..famous!

Picture of mom and her 2 new friends!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Piano Recital

Just had a piano recital last weekend, and Travis had a great performance of The Black Rider from Lord of the Rings. I am once again attempting to load it into YouTube so I can put the link here. It didn't work last time, and I don't have a ton of confidence that this time will be any better!

Will give it a try though soon!

If I can't get it to work, and you want to see it...let me know. It isn't that difficult to burn a dvd and mail it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It is April?

I'm still trying to figure this whole spring thing out... frankly, I think we should just forget about spring and go straight from winter to summer... Spring pretty much sucks. I like fall, fall should be longer than it is, but that has nothing to do with spring.

It gets warm for a day, the sun pops out... then wham, it's 35 and cloudy again, then it rains for 3 days, and then it is just mud puddles and nastiness. Yes, some flowers bloom, and that is good. But, they can do that in the summer too. Overall, this spring just sucks.

I've been very busy at my new job, and not able to work on things like my blog at work. Frankly, I'm lucky if I notice it is noon and eat some lunch! I wish my stomach wouldn't remind me of lunch, but it does...I rarely go a few hours without eating.

So, yes I am busy, but I like my job so has been almost a month since I started!! Wow, time sure flies!

The school year will be winding down soon enough, also can't believe how fast that has zipped by!

I suppose then, the point of this post is that there is nothing happening around here any more exciting than the weather, and the adjustment of working more...

Time to go tuck Travis in for the night!