Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. What more can be said? Today I went in to work for a few hours, and the traffic was awesome. A lot of people took today off, and for that I am thankful..what a wonderful commute...if it could only be that nice every day!

Right now I am making a pumpkin pie. One less thing to do tomorrow in my opinion. I got the cranberry bread and cranberry relish done this last weekend. Always good to do those early so they can age gracefully for a few days before we devour them.

I am also thankful for the fact that we aren't going anywhere!! We also are not expecting anyone else to battle the airlines or highways just to eat turkey with us. It will be a quiet weekend at home doing projects, and that is fine. We will also have the standard traditional Thanksgiving fare that we can't live without..turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes - no gravy thank you - sweet potatoes - just baked, nothing added- dill bread, cranberry bread and pumpkin pie. We don't need anything else. Sure, we'd love to spend time with family from all 4 corners of the country, but sometimes it just isn't practical, and well, we are the most practical people we know!

We'll go get our Christmas tree this weekend also, good to get that done early so we can enjoy it. That will surely be another post.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Winter is coming

Well, I've given up on uploading my video to the blog...still open to suggestions, but I've wasted enough time on it, and mailed out copies of the dvd to those who wanted it.

Today looks like another perfect fall day, sunny and temperate, low 60's. St. Louis is on the last few days of our peak colors - which were rather dull due to a dry summer. On another note, holy cow, Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away, which means we go get our Christmas tree soon. Our tradition is to go to a cut down place out in Washington, MO and kill us a tree. It sounds cruel, but it is a tradition, and I suppose there are worse traditions than that - like sitting in a tree waiting for a deer to walk by and then shoot it. (I'm fine with hunting, but I think bow hunting is much more sporting and I'm ok with that). Sitting in a tree with a shot gun just isn't my idea of a 'fair' fight.

We were surprised last year when we found this gem of a tree farm, hope we can find it again this year!! The trees were in great condition and we found a fir, not easy around here...most places just have scraggly white pine. We have been tempted to drive to MI to get a good tree, but then put it in perspective, 'um, duh it's a tree'.

So, in 2 weeks, we'll be thinking about Christmas, not that Target and everyone else hasn't already been pushing it down our throats for the last month....

Back to my thoughts that winter is coming, this link is to a fun website, ok, not that much fun, but it is a seasonal gem. The snowman cam up in Gaylord, MI. For all of us who get more ice and sleet than snow, it is refreshing to see how much Gaylord has...which is usually quite a bit!!

Live Web Cam From Wilderness Valley Gaylord Michigan


Monday, November 5, 2007

Travis recital...

OK, my second attempt to upload this video, and I think I have it!! I decided that I might have been having a problem with Mozilla. So had to try it the old fashioned way, using Explorer, and seems as though that was the problem... Well, it still won't work. I can't do it on blogger and I can't do it on You Tube...I just don't understand. Very frustrating!!!

Anyone have any suggestions?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Piano Recital

Today was Travis' piano recital, and he did GREAT! I have been trying to upload the video of his recital to the blog for the last hour or so, but can't quite figure this out. It doesn't seem that difficult, but there is apparently some sort of problem that I don't see ....This is all very new to me. Anyway, he played Carillon and Jumpin' Pumpkins, not quite Beethoven, but he is working on it.

I hope to get this figured out soon so I can get this video out for you to see!!