Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas is done

Done....weeks and weeks of preparation, shopping, baking, shipping...done.

It was a great day, nice and relaxing for us. Travis got more Lego's than some small countries probably have, so he was happy. He is still building and won't stop til everything is put together. He's having fun, and said it was a wonderful Christmas.

Nobody was here with us this year, that is a first. It was just the 3 of us. Wish we could have gone north and done a little skiing, but there are things that need to be done around here...and there is nothing wrong with having a quiet holiday to ourselves.

Steve is putting tile up in the kitchen, his gift to me. So far it looks awesome, and I can't wait until it is done, as it has my kitchen all topsy turvy.

I am enjoying a day off from work today, I'm having a hard time thinking it is Friday. Having a harder time thinking it is Dec 26 since it is 60 degrees out!!

So, until next year! I've tried to persuade Travis that we can skip it next year...go north and ski, or go on a cruise or something. He says no way, we'll see what happens.

That's it for now!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

He said it...

Yup, Bush said this:
“I’ll be frank with you. I don’t spend a lot of time really worrying about short-term history,” he told Gibson. “I guess I don’t worry about long-term history, either, since I’m not going to be around to read it.”

So basically he is saying he could care less about what he screwed up because he'll be dead? What an ass. At least I have a small bit of comfort knowing we didn't vote for him, but wow...what an idiot.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas is coming is on it's way and we can't stop it. Nope. It is the 14th already?!

I decided to make cookies today. Nothing spectacular about that, except they are Christmas cookies, the same 2 kinds I make every year. Jewel Brooches and Spritz. That's it. Don't give me any recipes, don't tempt me to make something else. This is the way it is.

So, I get my Jewel Brooches done, superb as usual, they'll be gone by dinner. Next up, spritz. I have this nifty Mirro cookie press that squirts out trees, camels,'s all good. Then I heard a clunk. Broke. The screw press thingy stripped and it will press no more. No problem..will go out and get another one. Wrong.... it is now called vintage and is only found on Ebay. So, Steve is on his way to the mall to find the next best thing. I am pretty sure it won't work half as good as the old fashioned screw press. Now I'm really irritated.

That's it... next year we are skipping Christmas.