Thursday, November 27, 2008

Good smells

Wow...does it ever smell great here! The turkey is out of the oven and is looking good....the potatoes are almost done, the pie is waiting ever so patiently for us to destroy it in a short time. Just love turkey day

I dread the thought of cooking most evenings after work, weekends were meant to relax and do nothing - and I'll cook, but won't really enjoy it. But, there is something about Thanksgiving that gives me an opportunity to cook, and enjoy it! Even Steve gets in on the action, so it is good.

Now, pardon me while I go stuff my face.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Turkey day..

Wow, I haven't posted anything since the 5th! We've been busy around here. Travis is busy with school and swimming and piano. Conferences were last week and he had very good reports, with a few comments on being distracted and liking to socialize a bit much...nothing new.

Mom is coming for thanksgiving, so we need to get the place into order..pick up some clutter and tidy up the guest room. The fridge is full with all our fixings for turkey day. Will be up early that morning to run/walk in the Turkey Trot 5k. If it is rainy or snowy, I'll just pass on it til next year. I pick up our t-shirts on Wednesday, so we will still get our shirt.

Enjoying the end of the regular football season, with MSU 3rd in the Big Ten..woohoo! They will be going to a New Years day bowl game, and UofM will be sitting home watching...quite a change of pace, which is very nice.

Not much else to post, which is why I haven't been posting lately....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

End of Indian Summer

Well, today it was 77...again. It has been in the mid to upper 70's for the last several days. Just perfect fall weather. Wish it was like this all the time, don't even remember the last time it rained. It is supposed to and rainy on Friday, fall is officially here I suppose.

Went out to the garden tonight to pick some more lettuce, it was too dark to find any beans...drat. Pulled a carrot, a good sized one in fact. The lettuce is still in great shape! Garlic is planted for spring, and the new addition to the garden looks good and has its winter annual ryegrass planted and growing nicely for home grown spring compost.

So I suppose that qualifies as no new news here....really.